Grocon-CFMEU Talks

30 August 2012

 The Government is pleased that Grocon and the CFMEU attended a conference this evening convened at the request of Minister Shorten by the President of Fair Work Australia.

 The Government believes the recommendations of President Ross of Fair Work Australia (which are attached) would have allowed a way for the parties to work through the issues in dispute. The Government strongly urges that both parties accept the President’s recommendations as the most sensible path towards lasting resolution.

From the outset the Government and Minister Shorten have condemned illegal conduct and have stated firmly the view that the rule of law should be upheld and that violence, intimidation and thuggery have no place in the Australian building industry.

The Government believes that all of the recommendations should be accepted in their entirety by all parties. The Government expects that orders of the Supreme Court and any instructions from Victoria Police be followed.

We maintain the view that the best chance for lasting resolution of this dispute is for Grocon and the CFMEU to continue to engage in calm and meaningful dialogue, which President Ross remains available to facilitate.