17 June 2016

The Labor family shares the sadness of all those who mourn the horrific murder of British MP, Jo Cox.

We send our sympathies, support and strength to her family, friends and colleagues, and to the people of the United Kingdom.

It is clear from the many rich and heartfelt tributes that Ms Cox was a respected and loved figure both inside and outside Westminster.

Whether it was through her humanitarian work or representing her constituents as an MP, she earned a reputation as a champion for the powerless, an advocate for those without a voice.

She dedicated her life to extending opportunity to some of the world's most disadvantaged people. Her good works and noble ideas will endure. 

Jo Cox was killed doing the most important job of any member of parliament – meeting with her constituents and listening to them.   

She lost her life doing something all of us in public office take for granted, and something our democracy depends upon. 

Yet whenever our faith in democracy is tested, it always comes through: stronger than fear, bigger than division. 

The British people, our oldest friends, are in our hearts today. 

In mourning Jo's death let us dedicate ourselves to the values of her life.

Let us respond to hatred and fear with unity and respect.

Let us draw solace and strength from the powerful words of Jo’s husband, Brendan: “unite to fight against the hatred that killed her.”

FRIDAY, 17 JUNE 2016