Media Release: End in sight for Victorian nurses dispute

07 March 2012

Federal Workplace Relations Minister Bill Shorten today welcomed the fact that good faith commonsense is now finally prevailing in the Victorian nurses dispute.

“It has long been clear to the Federal Government and the Victorian public at large that the only way to resolve this stalemate was for both parties to sit down at a table and sort it out.”

“Less time in court and more time taking straight to one another is always a better path to knocking out an agreement.”

As the Federal Government emphasised over a fortnight ago, it is vitally important that all parties abide by the law and the rules set out in the Fair Work Act.   

“We have a good, robust workplace relations system and the Victorian health system has good, clever people who are capable of finding a meeting point after putting in the effort and utilising the tools of good faith negotiation at their disposal,” Mr Shorten said.

“I welcome the agreement to utilise the expertise of the independent umpire and that the parties have agreed not to take any industrial action while the outstanding issues are determined.”

“The thing about workplace bargaining is that it requires parties actually rolling up the sleeves and negotiating in good faith.”

“While key issues need to be worked through in negotiations, like every Victorian citizen, the Federal Government looks forward to the parties soon reaching a mutually satisfactory outcome.