Young Local Sports Stars Recognised

24 August 2014

Nine talented young athletes have been selected as Local Sporting Champions, Opposition Leader and Member for Maribyrnong Bill Shorten announced today.

Mr Shorten congratulated the successful applicants, aged between 12 and 18, who will receive a grant of $500 to help with the costs of travel, accommodation, uniforms or equipment associated with their chosen competition.

“These grants acknowledge the commitment and passion of these local young athletes,” Mr Shorten said.

“As potential future world-class champions, these grants provide the support our athletes need as they work towards achieving their dreams.”

Mr Shorten said that for many, reaching a state, national or international sporting competition came after years of training and hard work.

“These grants can help cover the costs associated with competing, while at the same time recognising the dedication of these athletes – and their families – so far.”

Mr Shorten said that the next round of applications for aspiring champions was open, with more information available at